Canandaigua City Planning and Finance Committees August 1, 2023


Planned Unit Development (PUD) Request – North Classics Subdivision 00:21:28

In 2005, approval was granted to subdivide 18 acres for 66 homes. These would have been configured on 55-foot-wide lots as “attached single-family homes” (similar to what exists on Stewart Place). This project never began and the land was ultimately sold to another developer, Chris Iversen. In 2021, Chrisanntha, Inc. submitted an application to maintain a similar density of 72 units on 30 acres but use detached homes instead of attached and with a dedicated City Park.

2023 Six Month Financials Review 00:54:35

City Treasurer Nancy Abdallah will review the six-month financials with the Committee.

Updated Fee Schedule – Towing Fees 01:12:09

At the June 6th Finance Committee, the City Manager and Chief of Police recommended updating the fee schedule for towing which has remained unchanged for 12 years as towing companies requested that the fee be adjusted to account for increased cost and to be in line with Ontario County and the City of Geneva. The fee schedule update was not adopted and recently the towing companies requested to speak with the City Council about the rates. They have been invited to present before the committee.

Ontario County Arts, Culture and Recreation Grant 01:13:35

Ontario County has established a grant program utilizing a portion of its Federal American Rescue Plan Act funds “to assist projects that develop or expand arts, cultural and recreational opportunities as the community recovers from COVID-19.” Businesses, non-profits and municipalities are eligible to apply. City Staff would like to apply to pave park paths at Kershaw, Lakefront and Baker Parks as our parks saw a large increase of usage during COVID-19 as outdoor recreation activities became an outlet. Paving the paths will allow for multi-model usage allowing for more usage with an improved surface and also allowing for year-round use as they can be more easily cleared of snow and ice. The total cost of paving these pathways is approximately $150,000.

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